1000 comments later

We couldn’t believe that over a thousand of you took the time to take our little blogiversary survey. thank you all so much. and can we just say that it was really great to essentially meet you and learn a little a lot more about where you’re from, who you live with and even the names of your family pets (of course Burger loves making friends- and is especially entertained by the idea of hanging out with Tater and Angus considering that they also have food-related names). We discovered that we have quite a range of readers, from age 15 to 66! In fact, one of our readers named Kay provided herself as 62 and “cool as heck” and even pointed out that she rides a Harley. Awesome, right? We’re also delighted to see that some men actually weighed in too (suddenly I don’t feel so alone).

Oh and we couldn’t believe how spread out you people are. Not only do we have readers in pretty much every state from Alaska to Hawaii, we also have some pretty cool international peeps dropping in from: Croatia, Singapore, France, Australia, Belgium, Greece, Bermuda, Colombia, Austria, Switzerland, Mexico, England, Estonia, China, Portugal, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, South Africa, Sweden, Italy, Holland, Germany, Spain, Malaysia and even ideal to our north in Canada. Is that not incredible or what? Seriously we’re blown away, and so happy that you’re all enjoying our blog. Merci! Gracias! Grazie! Danke! and that’s all I know…

But that’s not all we learned from your responses. We discovered that lots of of you are chomping at the bit for a lot more rental ideas, organizing suggestions, cheap diy projects, tutorials in general, before and afters, house crashing excursions, entertaining ideas, green-related projects and even a lot more of nearly doctor Dan (and we’ll have you know we’re already brainstorming his next appearance). There was also an overwhelming request for “more Burger” which we intend to deliver. Of course his formerly tiny chihuahua head can hardly fit through the door now that he knows he’s so sought after. Come to think of it ever considering that he was on the cover of The Nest magazine he’s been acting pretty smug.
Our favorite Videos

Opinions were pretty split in two areas though: videos and design dilemmas. A lot of people lamented that they couldn’t covertly enjoy videos at work (Heather cleverly asked if we could somehow hide our videos in an Excel spreadsheet so she could get away with enjoying them) and we absolutely understand. but because a lot of other people provided videos as one of their favorite things – and because we take pleasure in making them – we’ll be keeping them as a regular feature. just think of them as a “bonus” to the rest of the week’s articles that are chock full of work-safe photos and text. So skip ’em if you must… or maybe sneak a peek at home?

As for design dilemmas, lots of people begged for a lot more frequent after photos (might we add that we’re dying for them as well) and some people said they were just too long/hard to picture so they skimmed them or skipped them altogether, which we also absolutely understand. but because lots of other people provided them as their favorite things, they too will remain as a regular feature although there are always lots of other topics and projects to read about between each one (so rest assured they won’t bump anything else that we’re itching to write about). In short: Karen’s request really rang true with us: “I would not say less of anything. If there is a particular post that doesn’t suit me, i can just scroll past, but you shouldn’t take anything away!” Done and done.

And although there were those two minor discrepancies, the majority of our commenters actually just encouraged us to keep doing what we’re doing, which is always great to hear (it seems as if we’re barking up the ideal tree for the most part) so we breathed a great long sigh of relief about that and got to work adding all the other ideas that people tossed out to our to-do list. You know we love a project. Seriously, we do.

We also got some good laughs out of all the little tidbits that were flattering, random and everything in between. For example we learned that Jessica loves cheese (hilariously random) and that our blog is LauraC’s homepage (speechlessly flattering). We also couldn’t help but smile when a few people pointed out that they appreciate the fact that we take the time to proofread (that’s Sherry’s inner copywriter coming out) and that we work to keep young house love a drama complimentary zone (what can we say, we want everyone to see rainbows and unicorns when they come here).

Overall it was insanely fun to read all about you guys, how you live, who you share your home with and what you’d love to see in year three. In fact our heads are already spinning with a ton of new post topics thanks to all of your suggestions so everyone must go ahead and give themselves a round of applause, dust their shoulders off, or give themselvesa pat on the back (just pick your favorite self-congratulatory gesture and run with it). thanks again so much for taking the time to tell us who you are and what fries your bacon. Made. Our. Day.

PS: and as for those who slipped some questions in there about where we got something in our house or how we like to decorate for the holidays, you can check out our room By room source list (located in a link on the top of our house excursion page) to find out where we snagged nearly everything in our house and the bottom of our how To page for a slew of holiday decoration related posts. Of course we have a lot more where those came from in the hopper for this coming season, so stay tuned…

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